CONSIDER THIS: Before You Bring in a Professional Consultant
So you’ve decided to tackle a home project but you are not sure where to start. Calling in a professional early in the game may seem like the obvious thing to do but there are some preliminary things you can do before calling on a pro. Doing a little bit of homework before you consider bringing in a professional will save you and the pro time in the long run PLUS maximize the most out of your appointment.
1) Understand Your Wants & Needs
What are you looking to have done? What are your needs and what do you hope to accomplish?
2) Know Your Budget
Not sure how much your project costs? Do a search online for a range in prices so you have an idea. Don’t wait for the pro to come in and send you into sticker shock. The pro will give you a price based on YOUR project. A budget helps to guide the consult in the right direction for offering selections within your price point.
3) Have a Deadline
What is the average timeline for the project you are looking to do? This can be answered during your online search. Know that ASAP means you are going to actively do what’s expected of you to get the project going like schedule necessary appointments, make decisions and pay retainers on time. Want your project done in 3 months or within a year, a deadline helps to get your project done. So if you are serious about completing the work then set a deadline.
4) Allow Yourself Time to Meet With the Pro
Some consults can be an hour plus. These are great ways to learn and understand the details that go into your specific project.
5) Make Areas Accessible
Make sure the areas you plan to discuss are accessible to the consultant. This will help to keep the focus on your project and details will not get overlooked by clutter and moving of objects.
Using these tips will help you get the most out of your appointment and help you to understand your project before bringing In the PRO.